Starting September 8, 2012, anonymous comments -- whether for or against the RH bill -- will no longer be permitted on this blog.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Why invest in the Philippines?

The answer to that question is very relevant to the topic of this blog...

Emphases mine:

Published: Thursday, 17 Nov 2011 

As far as emerging markets go, the Philippines is seldom the choice investment destination, but one analyst says the Southeast Asian nation could well become the “dark horse” of the region, thanks to its favorable demographics and sound economic fundamentals.

The Philippine’s “very robust and young population" presents a ready pool of talent, says Mark Matthews, Head of Research Asia at Bank Julius Baer. He expects the country’s population of 93 million, around half of whom are below 20 years old, to more than double to 190 million by 2040.

With fertility rates declining in the West and in Asian countries like Japan, Korea and China, the Philippines will increasingly become an important source of immigrant labor, he added.

"And the interesting thing is 80 percent of them speak English," Matthews said. "Most people who speak English in third world countries, they don't want to go overseas to work in sort of manual labor. But the Filipinos have no problem doing it...and they are making three times as much as they are making back at home, and they are sending it back home."

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Activities for Respect and Care for Life Month (February) 2012

Population collapse equals economic collapse

From Philippine Daily Inquirer:

Population collapse equals economic collapse
By: Amado de Jesus (columnist, Green Architrends)
December 10, 2011

It is unclear how the country will reach 126 million population in 2030.

The average Filipina of reproductive age with 6 children 35 years ago, has only 3 children today because of lifestyle change. Half of all women in the country today use artificial contraceptives. Family size has gone down from our grandparents’ time to ours. At the present rate, the Philippines will be at 2.1 total fertility rate or zero population growth by 2025.

Exactly 51 countries or one-third of all countries now have below replacement level total fertility rate, or TFR. China with 1.6 billion and India with 1.3 billion population attribute their new prosperity to their huge population.

The Moscow Demographic Summit of June 2011 declared that nearly half of all mankind today are living in countries where the birth rate is no longer able to replace the older generation, and that depopulation is the world’s next irreversible crisis.

Malaysia, Thailand and Singapore representatives at the Asean Future Cities Conference talked about shrinking, graying cities.
Poor people

The real problem concerning the number of poor people in the Philippines is that out of every P10 that the government spends, at least P3 go to corruption. Imagine if that money went to education, infrastructure and healthcare.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

The poisoned roots of Kinseyan 'sex education' and its implications for the RH bill

From CBCP for Life:

MANILA, Jan. 31, 2012–The concept of comprehensive sex education, which has been carried out in many Western countries and is being proposed as part of the reproductive health (RH) bill — is based on the fraudulent claims of a psychopath scientist who, in turn, based his data on pedophiles and sex offenders in jail, divulged media forensics expert Judith Reisman, Ph.D.

Speaking to a crowd of hundreds at the Philippine International Convention Center (PICC) Forum Tent in Pasay City Saturday, the Jewish American researcher, 76, held the audience’s attention with slide upon slide of an entire timeline detailing the profound changes in society after the so-called “father of sexology,” American entomologist and zoologist Dr. Alfred Kinsey, released in 1948 and 1953 bogus scientific research studies on human sexuality.

Atty. Jose Sison reminds Congressmen why the RH bill should not be passed

By Jose C. Sison (The Philippine Star) 
January 27, 2012 

The time, effort, and attention given, and public money used by both chambers of Congress to prosecute and try the impeachment charges against the Chief Justice of a co-equal branch of government are definitely taking its toll on their main job of legislation. Our Congressmen and Senators should be reminded that this impeachment business is just a special and extraordinary task imposed upon them by the Constitution and that their primary job is still the enactment of laws. Hence they should continue devoting the same kind if not more attention, deliberation and study, as they have been doing before, on pending bills. They should guard against reported moves to fast track some controversial legislation like the RH bill while public attention is focused on this impeachment thing.